Mr and Mrs. Faye should be happy. They just... should. Didn't their daughter had just come back home after four month of being missing? Four months over being just another picture over our milk cartoons? No, because is different now. She was different now. Ivory was now so quiet and weak, the Fayer's house feels as quiet as four months ago. Two weeks of pure silence. She had returned over two weeks by now. Two weeks after the neighbors had found her shivering and fifteen pounds less, mumbling nonsense and stumbling over the neighborhood, in the middle of the night. Aside from her open wounds and new appearance, Ivory Elizabeth Faye was pronounced back. Still, nobody knows that, deep inside, Ivory is now keeping a secret, but not just any secret. Inside her weak little heart, beneath five golden doors, Ivy holds a secret that is like an invisible hand holding tightly over her neck. Still, she won't let it go. No. Matter. What. ...Who did this to her?