So now I'm doing Robstar...this was unexpected.
So, the main plot is that the Teen Titans split up after it was revealed that Robin was cheating on Starfire with Batgirl. Everyone hated Robin and nobody would empathize or sympathize with him. 4 year later, Robin is living with Batgirl in Gotham. But when a crime spree appears in Jump City, Robin is forced to go back. He knows everyone hates him and goes alone to an abandoned wherehouse that the J.C.P.D's best detective Sherlock Flomes provides info on. He arrives but has grown clunky due to alcohol and tiredness. The Crime Boss traps him in a small cave where water is slowly rising and he can't escape. He see's a button to stop the water but can't reach due to mortal wounds, weakness etc. . He attempts to call Batgirl but he doesn't have his phone on him. Then, he realises he still has his Titans Protocol small disk. He activates it and assembles the team. Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven, Speedy, Terra, and Kid Flash. Speedy and Kid Flash don't know about the incident 4 year ago. Robin mutters the famous words to assemble his team-
"Titans Go."