A 17 year old girl named Annie LeBlanc, is a average girl who lives in the middle of no where in a small town called Attaway. Annie loves to watch her favorite actor Hayden Summerall all the time, she has watched all his movies at least 1000 times. It may seem as if I'm exaggerating, But it's true, she's a hardcore fan. Annie's family consists of her two parents, her little sister Hayley and her older brother Caleb. Hayley is a 13 year old average teen, She loves dancing and would do anything to make her sister happy, Including finding her sister the perfect boy to be her boyfriend. Hayley is always there for her sister and they have a strong bond, But when Hayley hears that Hayden will be filming a movie in Attaway, Hayley tries her best to get them together or at least get them to know each other. The reason why they have a strong sister bond unlike other average sisters who are constantly fighting is because there parents are never around they are too caught up into getting Caleb a good career and getting him in track. They are always in New York City or in L.A. trying to get him big gigs. Caleb on the other hand is not as interested in becoming famous and is more focused into getting himself with Lexi Drew one of his co stars in a movie he has filmed. Caleb is sometimes over protective over boys Annie and Hayley are hanging out with that's why no boys are ever hanging around them because they end up being too scared and end up running away. If you think that's it well don't judge a book by its cover because on top of all of this, Annie Is InsecureAll Rights Reserved