Welcome to my "Creative Essay & Short Story Prompts" book. This book is dedicated to all of the interesting and unusual essay and short story prompts I personally created challenges for people to be creative with their answers. The one thing about these challenges is that each has to be a minimum of 500 words, which may seem a lot, but it does allow a nice way to think of at least 500 words per prompt.
When you do any prompt of mine in this book or even my #BarefootExperienceChallenge, make sure you title your prompts with its respective hashtag along with dedicating the chapter to me (so I can read it, upvote it, and even comment on it). Challenge yourself, and even your friends, classmates, or even students, and create at least a 500-word response to each prompt.
Read the prompt, Think about it, then Create your response.
P.S. BPA = @BarefootPoetAdvocate (aka me)