Lucere is home to the best and brightest from the worlds: alchemists, exorcists, keyblade wielders, SOLDIERS--heroes. And somehow, you.
When all of you aren't saving worlds you're dealing with the Tech division's crazy experiments, arguing over who cheated better in Fast Forwards, and that weird little old lady who keeps losing track of her pet behemoth. These moments are like little beacons of light and hope, chasing away the gloom of the encroaching darkness. Worlds are being swallowed whole, monsters are appearing at unprecedented rates, and Deorcyness is waging an unspoken war against Lucere. If that weren't enough, demons from everyone's past have started to rear their heads--including yours.
Be careful, (Name), and keep the ones you love close.
Constellations are never the same when they lose their brightest stars.
Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, & various animes/mangas and games. Fem!Reader-insert and crossovers galore
Disclaimer: I don't own ANY of the characters they all go to their original creators! I do own the plot and any of my lovely Original Characters that may pop up!