Night furies were often called the "Unholy offspring of lightning and death itself". For a long time vikings thought they were extinct, and Toothless was the last of his kind. Unfortunately, these rumors weren't true. Living in the shadows, night fury clans hid for years, until they decided it's their time to rise...
"Ripping off the head of the unlucky (or stupid) viking chief that attacked him, Darktalon, a pitch black night fury with shining purple eyes took off to the night sky, then dove down and set afire another defensive tower with just one shot. Terrified mothers running around with their confused children, while men worthlessly trying to take down other night furies with their stupid nets, it was all so funny to watch that he made a gross, bloody grin showing his sharp teeth. The village was burning so beautifully and the cries were so enjoyable that he could circle above it all night. But sadly, there were other places to go. Then he heard the fierce war cry of his worst nightmare, Nightterror. And that's when he realized he screwed up."