Have you ever wondered what it felt like to kill someone?
About Yuri and the Literature Club:
(*MAJOR SPOIL ALERT, to the game Doki Doki Literature Club*)
If you ever played Doki Doki, you know Yuri seemed a little off from the start. She always had an interest in horror, but denied the fact she liked blood, limbs, and other things a killer would get joy in thinking about. As you play, she seems to get worse. There is a chance to get a secret poem by her (it isn't signed from Yuri or anything, it's just obvious) and it talks about self harm. She says how it was her first time, and she'd only do it again if she planned on killing herself. She also left a swipe of blood on the poem to show the reader. (Big spoilers ahead) As you continue in the game and you show a greater amount affection to Yuri than any other of the characters, you end up finding her in the hallway cutting herself. There's also other scenes, but this particular one is after you've found that poem. This means- she is thinking about killing herself. In the end, you have a yes or no question, and she stabs herself 3 times in the chest no matter what you decide. At this point, Sayori is already dead, so Natsuki and Monika are the only one's remaining to react to her death. When Natsuki comes to the club on Monday, and when she see's Yuri's rotting corpse, she throws up and runs away. Monika, however, enters and says, "Well that's a shame," and doesn't seem to care. She knows the script was broken, and apologizes for making you wait two whole days, staring at Yuri's lifeless body. You can see the time go by with the lighting changing when you click through the random text, and you can see the blood get darker after the 2 days. This shows that Yuri has always been sort of a psycho, and that Monika is one evil b*tch. Sorry if I made you have an upset stomach or made you uncomfortable, I warned you.