Before I start talking about how lying hurts everyone I think we need to at least define what a lie is. Well, a lie is: " A false statement made with the intentions to deceive; an unintentional untruth, a falsehood." We all at some point in our lives have lied because in this world we are sinful people. Whenever we lie God sees it as a sin in His eyes. Some of the reasons why people lie is because we make it into a bad habit and refuse to break it, we try to avoid conflict, or even avoid hurting someone we care about. The more often we lie in our lives the less trust we build with other people. People actually get tired of liars and relationships can fall apart because people are lying to us. Lying can break friendships and trust. I would like to share with you today that there are two different kinds of lies that we tell.1. Lying of omission and 2. Lying of commission is "changing facts or information that is not true. It is also hiding it from people." Both of these lies can hurt everyone in our lives including yourself. Lying actually also has an affect on our health as well. The moment we lie our blood pressure, heart rate, as well as stress hormones can and will increase. Lying can weaken our immune system which can also cause us to get a cold or even have a rough time fighting off the flu. The moment we reveal the truth we are able to feel better and have less stress in our lives. Telling the truth can also help us emotionally as well. So in conclusion try to always tell the truth even when it is hard to do. Lying is a sin, but always remember that God is ready to forgive you because He knows that you are not perfect. Lying hurts relationships and ends friendships as well trust, will be broken which means with time trust will have to be rebuilt again. Do not make lying a habit in your life tell the truth and your relationships and friendships will last forever.Todos los derechos reservados
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