Andrea Parker is a recent third-year college drop going nowhere in life. No job and limited outside contact, she stays home playing video games. Lost in this big and confusing world, she sits idly by as life continues on without her. With a meaningless existence and fighting with her alcoholic father on a daily basis, Andrea feels trapped. However, around the United States, a trend been making its way on YouTube and social media. Just like the sensation with random clown appearances, crazy people are popping around and assulting others. For the most part these videos are being labeled as "fake news". With these strange videos there is also a flu spreading at the oddest of time year. One night, Andrea is attacked by one of these crazed people and instantly falls ill with flu like symptoms. Days pass and she wakes up to changed world. And a change in herself. With the dead rising, the world takes a turn for the worst, Andrea must find a way to survive until this all pass. (cover just temporary)