"Fail?! How could you fail this test?"
"My teacher said it is good to do bad, I was just following instructions".
"I'm sick of your bad grades! You're in seventh grade now, if you still believe what every teacher is saying about doing bad, then surely you are not part of this family, leave us! You are an embarrassment!"
"But I'm just thirteen, where am I supposed to go?"
"Don't bother us with your problems, we have disowned you, now take care of yourself, no one will do it for you".
"Don't worry Sophia, this war will be over soon, your father will be back, and all will be back to normal".
"But I miss him, will he ever be back?"
"Of course, but you know that your father is a general, and as General Sarch, he has to win this war".
"Mother, it is William who I miss, I always wonder where he is, if he is safe, if he still lives....."
Watching the battlefield, he wonders how his daughter is doing, his wife, and William, his disowned son.
"General Sarch! General Sarch! We are being ambushed, General Earlington is in charge of them, our army is breaking apart!"
Loud noises roar around them. An explosion is heard, then another. As they turn, they spot a group of injured soldiers, lying against a dead tree.
"Go help those men over there, I will take care of this."
He runs through the woods, shadows looming from every side, everywhere he turns, he hears moaning, and slight calls for help, but he keeps moving, the medics specialist will help them shortly. As he comes into a darker part of the woods, he slows down, a tall figure coming towards him.
As the figure gets closer, General Sarch realizes that this is a soldier. Not just any kind, a general. The opposing general. He stops just a few feet away.
"General Earlington, very brave of you to come out here, alone..."
A year has passed since Niku left the Alola Region. During the time he's been busy with Tobias. Let's see what new enemies and challenges he will face.