In this world there is a girl named Kiseki Yorokobi (or Yorokobi Kiseki), she's a regular girl as far as we know, but she has something that has affected her, her whole life. She's Deaf but there's a reason why she's named Kiseki it means Miracle so what is that miracle well she is a pyschic, but she only has telepathy which helps with her life. But when she enrolls in P.K academy what will happen. WARNING: WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS NAIVE AND YOUNG, NOT THE BEST!! I AM NOT DEAF, SO NONE OF THIS IS FACTUALLY CORRECT, I APOPOGIZE FOR NOT DOING PROPER RESEARCH!! I AM ALSO NOT FROM GREAT BRITAIN, AGAIN I APOLOGIZE!!! I WILL DO MY BEST TO RESEARCH BEFORE WRITING!!! SORRY!!! I don't own anything but Kiseki and her family, oh and the story. Story discontinued Already adopted check it out!!