In the futuristic world of 2078, Adyn Lennox, has only ever known a world full of war. Humans have been sorted into colors: Blue, Violet, and Grey. Blues are the class under both Violet and Grey, as it has always been since the world could remember. As a blue tag, Adyn lives a life of work and disease. Everything seems as it should be in the human society.
But when Adyn's home town is attacked by Grey tagged soldiers, he is taken and transferred to very disorienting places. On his travels he meets another teenager, Caleb Beckett. Though the male is very closed off and quiet, Adyn learns he is a valuable friend to his travels...maybe even something a little more.
(On Hiatus)
Leila always believed that she was cursed to be born as one of the Lambordi. Her brothers were scary and they hated her. Thus, she always tried to stay out of their way in fear they would hurt her.
Two years!
For two years she managed to escape from them but all in vain, she was again dragged back to the hell, her home.
But this time something is beginning to change and Leila suspects that this is bound to hurt her even more.