The revelation of Castiel being controlled and manipulated into such things has shattered everyone involved.
Sam, Dean, Catty and Scarlett Winchester.
Ness and Bobby Singer.
And Octavia and Angelos the Angels.
Catty also realizes that Castiel hadn't been the only one who had been manipulated and used by Crowley, Zane and Balthazar. She realizes exactly what happened, and she is willing to o anything to try to fix it, even while grieving Castiel, Octavia and Angelos's deaths.
Scarlett realizes that she and Catty, and Angelos, were too used by Crowley, Zane and Balthazar, and the revelation of what the three of them used Catty, Castiel, Scarlett and Angelos to create shakes the world of Catty and Scar, who now have to find the creations without the help of Cas and Los due to the events of last book.
Dean is angry at Crowley, Zane and Balthazar. He is angry at Castiel for letting them get so far as to control him the way they had. He's angry that Octavia and Angelos died. He's angry at everything. But when Bobby dies, will he continue to fall part or be there for Ness?
Sam is going through his Hell Wall that is crumbling, and Octavia's death. What remains of his Hell Wall comes in a shape that surprises him. It's not only Lucifer that he sees.
Ness has always been the level-headed one. The one to go to when you need help for advice. But when her father, Bobby dies, what will this do to her, after she already lost Cas, Ava, Los, and so many other people due to Crowley, Zane and Balthazar? Will she be angry, devastated or revenge-driven? Or all of the above?
What happens when Catty and Scar find what they're looking for?
What happens when Ness gets her revenge?
What happens when people that they think are dead don't stay dead?
And who else will they lose?
Catty, Scarlett and Dean Winchester and Ness Singer have been out of the life for a year now.
Catty had gone to her old flame, Brett Blake, up in New York, and made friends with his family. Became a cook at a restaurant and babysat Brett's sister, Sarah's, baby Abby.
Scarlett and Angelos the Angel have been made closer than ever given that they made a promise to Sam that they would be there for each other, and have actually fallen for each other. Zane is jealous of the new relationship his ex Scar has, and vows to get something in return... but what could that be? He has been made the King of Crossroads by the new King of Hell, Crowley, who work together to obtain a nearly impossible goal while hiding their true intentions, and it all involves the way Catty and Castiel and how they both have changed, intending to get something from them like Zane intends to get something from Scarlett and Angelos, but no one knows what or why.
Dean and Ness had remained in Sioux Falls. Dean became a construction worker. Ness still works at TJz.
But everything changes when their past comes back to haunt them, and Sam Winchester, who they thought to be dead, brings them back into the game.
But Catty only comes back because of a disaster that happens, that rattles her to the core, because she blames and hates herself for it. It's a different side of Catty that we haven't seen before.
And Castiel the Angel is acting strange. Unlike himself. Sometimes there's a switch in his brain that can flip whenever.
And Octavia the Angel is back to full power, but she still feels as strongly as a human does due to her human experience, no matter how short. And even though she knew something was wrong with Sam because they've gone closer, she'd never guessed that he'd left behind his soul in Lucifer's cage with Lucifer and Michael.
Everything is about to shatter...
For all of them.
You can't outrun your past.