"Where there is a will, there is a way."
People always say, but is it always true? Is there really a way to Chanyeol's heart for Aecha?
Aecha knows she shouldn't fall for a guy like Chanyeol, a funny, adorable, good-looking guy with deep voice that warms girls' heart. But not that she could tame her feelings for him either.
When all the odds are against her feelings for him, can she fight her way forward or will she back off and give up? There is also her friendship between Aecha and Hana that she can't throw away for all her love for Chanyeol.
If there is a chance in a million that she can win his heart, Aecha is willing to grasp it. With her heart and her mind, she is ready to fight for her love. But is love enough for a will that she needs? Will Aecha give up eventually?And can Chanyeol see who is really the one for him?
"Her loving me is like a mission accomplished for me," said Chanyeol sadly.
Aecha turned back and shouted, "PARK CHANYEOL, I LOVE YOU!"
"I don't want love to interfere with my studies," Hana chuckled and shook her head.