Andy was bullied and abused every day, at school and at home. His parents hated him, they wish they didnt have a child, and they even told him. But Andy wasnt alone. He had a friend. Andrew, he was the stereotypical jock. If you think of it, they had a cliché friendship. While Andy was the short, bullied teenager. Andrew on the other hand was quiet popular and asked a lot why he befriended Andy. But little did they know they a lot in common. One day, Andrew came late to pick up Andy for his birthday, and saw something shocking that just happened to be the last memory of his hurt friend. © 2013 by Tiara Welch. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be duplicated or transferred in any form or by any means whether be electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any other prototype, without previously written permission from Tiara Welch.All Rights Reserved