10 parts Complete MatureIn a world where fiction meets with reality, seven unique women play with the life of a man as they desire, and a story about love, sex, society, and personal life grows and surges. Written in a first-person, self-insert way, and from a female point of view for the readers' pleasure, find out the secret life of Kizuna Ai, Kaguya Luna, Mirai Akari, Nekomiya Hinata, Siro, Suzuki Hina, and Tanaka Hime.
Disclaimer 2:
The one above is a work of fiction inspired entirely by Virtual Youtubers. You must, by all circumstances behave nicely and as properly as needed with the people behind these characters, as they're real people with real lives and feelings. No part of this work must be taken out of context it's a work of fiction and must remain as it is.