Cinos, Grimlock, and the Ravagers are in hiding within the universe of Fairy Tail, a world with many magical being and creatures. Eggman hired Infinite to take his creation but have family in the pass months, he then put a bounty on the dog in hope someone will find him.
Team Natsu have decided to get this bounty but learned this the guy wants him dead. Natsu didn't wanted so Infinite reveal him but he was attack by Cinos.
Cinos and co. then become temporary member of the Fairy Tail guild, he become close friend with Natsu, and he to get him and Lucy to be together. Eggman later deployed many Monsters, Experiments, and Decepticons with the help of Cosmo Royal, Dr. Hamsterviel, and Steeljaw
The story is taken place after Episode 41.
Cinos owned by me
Buck owned by Ice Age
Stitch, Jumba, Pleakley, Gantu, Experiments, Hamsterviel, and other owned by Lilo & Stitch
Toothless owned by How To Train Your Dragon
Grimlock, Tricerashot, Steeljaw, and Decepticons owned by Transformers: Robots In Disguise
Cosmo and monsters owned by Power Ranger Dino Charge and Ninja Steel
Characters and setting owned by Fairy Tail and created by Hiro Mashima