This is a story based on the show "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman." The story takes place in the same setting/time period around season 4, after Sully and Michaela are married. A lot of the same aspects from the show are in the story. This is my second attempt at writing . If you have any ideas or comments, let me know! I highly recommend you to watch the series! The story will make more sense as you will get to know the characters better. Although it's 30 years old, the show still hits a lot of current topics. If you enjoy drama and action, this is a great show. It's almost like Grey's Anatomy but in the 1800's, since she is a doctor. My grandfather loved this show (mainly Jane Seymour aka Michaela Quinn). I remembered a few things about the show and decided to watch the whole thing. ***ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED TO THE CREATOR OF THE SHOW BETH SULLIVAN. I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THE CREATION OF ANY CHARACTERS UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE.***
16 parts