This is part 1 of an intended 3 part series based on the game Destiny and it's expansions The Dark Below, House of Wolves, The Taken King, and Rise of Iron. It focuses on the adventures of a group of three guardians: Jackson the Hunter, Texea the Warlock, and Grim-8 the Titan.
This is obviously just my interpretation of the story, and is based on the game itself, the Grimoire, and basic theories. This story does take many creative liberties, as to tell a full, connected story. Because of this many small changes have been made to in game events, along with later major changes. It will ignore most of Destiny 2, instead better following the story of the original destiny, and it's more hinting at a story we never saw realized. With that said, this comes from a fan, and is made not to spite the canon lore, but to give another head-canon alternative.
The assets of Destiny belong to Bungie and Activision. I only one the original characters and ideas fused into their vision.