When I'm feeling good, I'll think of you,
When I'm hurting, even more.
You've reminded me it's okay to cry,
You've re-opened my hurt hearts door.
No matter where this life leads me to
Your words will be with me.
In them I've found solace & comfort,
A state I never thought I'd again be.
Your words they are powerful,
They ALWAYS move my heart.
While I have them, I have also you,
Be we together or apart.
Everytime I read your works,
A myriad of beauty in my mind I see.
No matter where our fates made lead us,
You'll be ALWAYS a special part of me.
I dedicate this to Sbec/SiletWillow as I know her by. She gave me back sooo much I've lost of myself, just by having the honor of knowing here. Who knew a random "Hiya Sbec" in a game..Could affect ones life so profoundly & positively. THANK YOU, Sbec/Willow, your kindness, compassion & friendship opened my heart again & helped to begin it's healing. I'm forever in your debt & grateful for that. :-)
Love ya hun. :-)