Hermione looked for a moment as if she were about to say no. But as soon as she opened her mouth, she closed it again. Draco could almost see the wheels turning in her head. Studying every side of the offer silently in her head, for that was what Hermione did best after all.
"It's insane," She stated at last.
Draco was prepared for this. "Yes, but isn't that what makes it perfect?"
Pursing her lips, Hermione looked at him, her eyes full of the hurt and betrayal of someone else's doing, but also something else; the cold, undeniable need for revenge.
Thrusting her hand out towards him, she said, "I'm in. He's left me twice now, and I want him to hurt."
Grinning maliciously at her, Draco took Hermione's hand, and shook it.
It's been three years sence the war. A mere three years. During two of which, Hermione was convinced that she was in love. (The other year, she was attending her seventh year at Hogwarts.) But their, Ron and Hermione's, that is, relationship was struggling. And instead of working it out, as Hermione had suggested, Ron has left her. Draco Malfoy's girlfriend, Pansy Parkinson, has also left him recently. Consumed by rage, Draco and Hermione do something you would never guess to gain revenge on their once loved ones.
Written in the perspective of multiple wizards we all know and love.