Everyone x Precious!Izuku
Medium-lengthed Intro:
If you said that Midoriya Izuku was a quirkless person, that'll be quite untrue; after all, he's somehow managed to make the whole of Yuuei fall in love with him.
Next up; the world!
Elaborate Intro:
With everyone's hearts sent racing by just his smile, he obliviously just continues to finish off his lunch that Iida had bought for him when he arrived at lunch earlier than everyone else.
Suddenly, Todoroki then seats himself down beside him and whips out a handkerchief from his pocket.
"Midoriya, cheek." He had said.
Turning to his friend, he happily obliges. 'Ah, Todoroki's very kind...'
The scene alarms Ururaka and Bakugou who had been hiding behind a pillar, watching since the beginning.
"Uwah, he's already gotten used to that... Lucky Todoroki." She had muttered.
As of now, the main contenders of getting Midoriya's heart are as follows:
1) Ochako, the crush.
2) Shoto, the icy-hot prince.
3) Katsuki, the childhood friend.
4) Tenya, the best friend.
5) Tokoyami, the one no one saw coming.
"Oi, why am I below that half-and-half bastard?!"
Ururaka gave it a thought. "Well, maybe you'd be ranked higher if you weren't so mean to Izuku." She then continued with her not-so-covert mission.
"Wouldn't it creepy if he knew you were stalking him, round-face?" Bakugou had asked, annoyed.
"Well, Izuku doesn't know. Yet." She replied.
"Besides, the whole school does it too."