Hey, I'm Ethan. I'm 18 and have high functioning autism (AKA:Asperger, AKA:mild autism). But no one knows that. You see, "every" family dynamic is different and in mine the view is "you are telling me I don't know my own child/brother/nephew/grandson enough to see their autistic?" You see i love my family very much and they love me too! But they are ignorant, and when i say that i mean they aren't educated on a lot of topics (especially high functioning autism);yet, they think their opinions are fact and get offended if you try to prove them wrong.
I'm scared to tell my family and well i don't really have any friends in real life anymore. Because i know they would laugh at me, or tell me to stop looking stuff up on the internet. I know they will see me as trying to seek attention or trying to be special. But it's not that...
I feel like I'm going crazy because I can't tell ANYONE! So maybe if no one really knows who i am, they can see the real me.
I have high functioning autism and this is my story