Peter Parker is a high schooler who lives with his aunt in Queens, New York. He is also the protector of New York City, you friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Peter poses many powers varying form wall crawling, enhanced strength, speed, reflexes, durability, stamina, healing, agility, and a warning system called a Spider-sense. As well as his many accomplishments defeating The Lizard, Electro, school life, and even the death of his beloved Gwen Stacy.
Fury had decided to recruit a new Avengar for a number of reasons and it is up to the Avengars to find this new teammate.
What are Fury's motives?
What is Peter's roll in all of this?
This takes place after The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and after Age of Ultron.
Continuation of Valen
After the events of the battle with Laufey (in book 1), Valen is presumed dead to her team. Only a couple know she has taken residence in Wakanda. With a promise she would return home, days had slip by turning into months making her wonder when the promise would be upheld. If only she knew what was hiding outside past Wakanda.
This does not follow any Marvel movie or comic. It does not match any timeline.