The wind blew softly on my face. The waves were calm, though they looked frigid and unforgiving to swim in, and only made the ship sway slightly from side-to-side. None of this calmed me as I walked helplessly towards the end of a plank.
I wanted to say that I did my best, that I did everything in my power to help the people back home and that I was at peace with my death. But then the flashes of what exactly I ran away from entered my mind so suddenly I nearly slipped off. I remember my friends, my family, and what would happen if I didn't try. I wanted to say that staying alive was solely for them, but I still felt the dread that made my heart speed up.
That unmistakable sensation was fear. The fear of death. And so, I turned my gaze away from the dark, unforgiving sea and towards the face of my captor.
The masked man spoke softly, a tone you wouldn't expect from pirates, "So, any last words, stowaway?"
Even with his mask on, I could almost sense a smirk on his face. Two other pirates flanked his sides with torches that barely illuminated the deck of the ship. The light gave the masked man an mysterious but intimidating look despite the small, almost feminine build.
I pondered my next words carefully. They would either save me or damn me. I took a deep breath.
"My name is Hugh the II, prince to the kingdom of Huinots. I will reward you greatly if you aid me." I tried to sound strong and sure of myself, like my brother, but I couldn't stop the tremors in my voice. I was so close to passing out from the fear. I expected laughter from the crew but instead found an eerie silence befall the once chatting pirates.
I don't remember if I was pushed, or if the ship suddenly tipped a bit to my side, but I do remember the feeling of falling into the cold, unforgiving sea.
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