I'll talk to you,'
'I'll text you'
'I'll write you,'
'I'll skype you ''
'When, when will we next converse'?
'Well a converse, is a shoe
So, I think your memory is getting worse'
Where am I going? who am I phoning?
What's with the third degree?
How am I feeling?
I send you this emoji then you'll see'
'Will you stop sending me links for sites,
And chain mails and games and the likes
I'd prefer you didn't all the same
I don't care when it's my names day'
So, I was saying ...
'I know,
My brother's birthday
No, I don't need
You to buy me a card
No, its fine
I'll just right on his timeline,
Why should I wait till I'm home to
Check my messages on my landline?
No, my I phone is my life line
I'm in the middle
Of a virtual conversation
It's really interesting
It's literally fascinating'
'I don't care how many shares
You have, or comments
Or pictures of you and your boyfriend Mike
Or if you're bothered that I didn't press like'
'What does it look like I'm doing?
I am taking a picture of my food?
What's the matter with you?
You seem in a bad mood
You keep interrupting my texting
With your talking
Well, that's rude'
'I don't know what you'll do
Now you've killed
your crops on Farmville
But it's true, I still don't care'
Look, 'I can see you're upset,
Is it because I haven't
Sent you the selfies I took yet?
Never mind I will do it now
Just text me which you like the best
And when we can have a catch-up next.
With Facebook skype snap chatting and retweeting tweets
We're not always in the same room when we meet.