"Late again," I mumbled under my breath, by 27 minutes to be exact. My hand reached the metal handle, "third times a charm!" I whispered to my self, "great first impression."
"I know, I know, I'm late! Sorry!!" Jess rolled her eyes at me.
"Your always late" she sighed. I thought back to the drive here: a broken wine bottle, some guy stole my phone as I changed the tire, and swerving off the road to miss a stray cat. Not exactly my fault I'd say.
"They day your early is the day I eat my hat!" I inquired, Darius looked horrified.
"But that hat looks really good on you!" I could feel my cheeks burn, how sweet...how.....clueless.
"Can't you for once not be late?!?"
"There was a train!"
"It's our wedding!"
I gave Jess a forehead kiss, she buried her face into my shirt and sobbed.
"Jess, it was just a squirrel." I tried to sound sincere, holding in a chuckle. She looked up at me with puffy red eyes.
"But I killed it!" Jess replied, clutching my red flannel shirt. I bit my lip, why the heck do I love this woman?
"Your going to be late to your own funeral!" I exclaimed, Darius laughed, his face crinkling like aluminum foil.
"I sure hope not, then I've got really bad luck!"
"Bad luck? You? What a joke." I responded with a hint of playfulness.
"DARIUS!" I screamed at the top of my lungs "DARIUS!! Don't die on me, please don't." I ran down the hill to his body. His eyes flickered, I breathed, his dark brown eyes were full of pain.
"I'm fine..." his body when ridged, he was not.
Waking up in the body of a Romani Archiman is acceptable. Getting 3rd and 1st True Magics is nice. Getting Beasts as pets - delightful. The world of DxD is unforgivable. It's a world where some teenagers who aren't even two decades old somehow mystically defeat the descendants of legendary heroes, ancient demons, powerful dragons, etc. Why does this happen? Simply because! Simply put, this world only makes sense because it doesn't. And now, I have to put up with the fact that I live here. Such pain. (DxDxMulti)