I'm Luis. This is my freestyle project, call it anything you want. I am preparing myself for a potential surgery in my right temporal lobe. Appointments, decisions, and testing... It all begins on June 7th, 2018. I thought I'd keep writing this new book while giving it all my heart for myself, and anyone else who can relate on any level. Surgery is on May 6th, 2019.
There will be poetry with rhyming, no rhyming, short stories, long stories, reimagined lyrics, and quotes from yours truly.
My head aches, and being anti social is my strength. I carry the skill of feeling broken, sometimes with no reasoning. It's time to spill. That being said, I'll be leaking what's in my left temporal lobe.
I'm incomplete, so this book will be considered incomplete as well, but continuously updated as long as I can.
She is an outcast. She finds it easier to express what she feels in the form of writing. Whether it is poems, letters or long texts. These are poems that she writes trying to describe how it feels to live with certain mental health issues, in a world that disregards outcasts. So, these are on the darker side of the spectrum. Some poems might be distressing for some readers.
I personally enjoy consuming dark content, it's kinda like a coping mechanism.
I really hope none of you relate with any of these :)
I'll be posting only poems here, I'll try to be as active as I can.
The poems are not in any order. They are just the thoughts that pop up any time of the day.
(8.11.2023) PS: Please check out 'safe space'. I need your help to make it a real safe space, readers!
#1 shortpoem
#1 distressing
#1 poetry (17.1.2024)
#1 poem (24.1.2024)