Having the ability to break the speed of sound in your jorts sounds invincible, doesn't it? Well, that's what Thomas Tybalt believed when he decided to play superhero and become the speedy vigilante now known as Velocity. However, the boy soon is hit by the harsh reality that the world of superpowers is a dangerous game, and speed won't be enough. On the other hand, his sister, Tamara, only sees it as *just* a game and is willing to use her abilities to get ahead in life. While the two siblings come at odds, a team of outlaws, mob bosses, and powered criminals come together with one goal: to kill Velocity and reclaim the town of Kasuga. Meanwhile, another speedster, faster than both Tamara and Thomas, looms in the shadows.
15 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
15 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
Since the dawn of time, humanity has been divided over various subjects. All of which are frankly, incredibly trivial. This being, but is not limited to race, religion, beauty, size, wealth, politics, and more. The heavy amounts of bickering and debating over these subjects, going as far as starting wars and in-fighting within families, even breaking some apart.
This is further proven by the sudden appearance of enhanced individuals nicknamed "Blights," which single-handedly explains the general consensus about them. Hated and oppressed, Blights have had their backs against the wall for decades.
Teenager Liam Wang must learn how to juggle both his civilian life and the life of his super-powered, crime-fighting persona "Narukami" and all that comes with it. Oh, and also a super-powered serial killer running around the city, murdering whoever they see fit. Yeah, he's probably screwed.