Odette loves her average life until one night when she's leaving a club, she is assaulted. In the morning she can't really remember what happened, but her best friend Jasper knows what's going on and goes after her assailants. Odette is the new project for Vampire Scientist, Harland. She has to learn to deal with her new life as an unconventional vampire. But will falling in love with another vampire help or hinder her harsh transition into a new lifestyle.
Written by: Lauren Mechelle and Clementine Elin.
20 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
20 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
"Okay, come on. We're both adults here. We can tell people we're...together." - Jake.
Permanent. Like Sharpies. That's what they were looking at now.
Somehow, they were meant to be together.
It was like a sick joke. A game neither had known they were playing, against every rule in the book. It was against nature, yet it was nature that pushed them together.
Fire was never meant to know Ice on a personal level. And here, they've fallen in love.
Started 7/29/21
Finished 8/1/21
Published 7/31/21