Edit: Jesus this is old. It is also discontinued due to me revamping it into uts own story. So sorry for those who liled it but I am now aiming for bigger and better targets than my crappy fan fiction. I was just a kid when my parents were murdered in a dark alley... woops wrong comic universe. Wait I remember now, I was actually struck by lightning and became the fastest ... wait no that's not it either. Ok, ok I got this. I was bitten by a radioactive awesome person making me the awesome person I am today. Nope, ok ya know what I give up on this whole hero backstory crap. So lets get this straight. I.Am.Not.A.Hero. Got it. Not a hero. I shoot people for money an like to go stabby stabby through their faces. Now your probably wondering about my actual backstory but guess what you ain't getting it, at least not right now, but I will give you my name. My name is.... JOHN CENNA. Sorry couldn't help myself but you should probably read my story about my whacky adventures that I go on with other characters from the marvel universe. Ta ta. A/N I do not own any characters from this story except my OC's and the plot all cred goes to its respective company(Marvel).Todos los derechos reservados