By chance, the protagonists of Persona 3,4,and 5(Minato Arisato, Yu Narukami, Akira Kurusu) meet at a college in Tokyo. They rent out an apartment together due to some inconveniences, and learn through the Dark Hour, the Midnight Channel, Teddie, and Morgana, that there are others who have used personas in the past. Though the Dark Hour, the Midnight Channel, and Mementos still exist, a much bigger problem arises, which causes the protagonists to go through the most dangerous and morally-challenging events of their lives.
Not only that, but Igor, Margret, Lavenza, Marie, Theo, and a new addition to the family, Felix, showed up with the protagonists from Persona 1 and 2(Maya, Tatsuya, Naoya) and gave them an option that would impact their lives forever.
With generations of Persona characters meeting, a new problem arises. Will it destroy or save the loved protagonists of P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5?
Time never waits. It delivers all equally to the same end.
A boy transferring to a school in Japan hoping to leave his past life behind and to catch up with an old friend to solve a dark problem. A power shall awaken in the young male, a power that he can use to free the world. The journey he will travel will spark new bonds, new enemies, and acceptance, but the true question is, are you ready to face that Journey, that responsibility?
Let's hope you enjoy your new life at Iwatodai with the problems it might bring.
Now be awaken with the power of your Persona.
Started July 25 2021
Finished 10/4/23