Before all hell broke loose, Noelle and her two friends were headed to see their families. Her friends go by the names of Siren and Delilah. Noelle is short with brown hair and blue eyes. Siren is also short with blonde hair and blue eyes. And Delilah is short with brown hair and brown eyes. All three of them are mermaids. The apocalypse happens shortly after they go visit their families. They are eating dinner one day at Siren's house when they hear something scratching at the door. Siren's father goes to check it out. When he opens it, something attacks him. It's this disgusting, horrifying, and rotting mercorpse. It's scratching and biting Siren's father. Siren hits the mercorpse in the head with a rock. It seems to make it stop. Siren rushes to her father, but he's already gone. A few minutes later, he wakes up. But, he isn't himself. He tried to attack Siren, but he too had a rock thrown at his head. Siren's mother told them to go back to the surface. That maybe it would be safer up there. She told them that she would grab the rest of their families and meet them up there. They left, but Siren's mother was wrong. It wasn't any better. There were walking corpses everywhere. They had to find a way to survive. They went from store to store, gathering everything that they would need. They went from place to place, to survive. At one of the places, they found Harry Styles and Liam Payne from One Direction. They were the only ones left. They dragged them along with them. Three years later, they stumbled upon a prison. There they met a group. The group consisted of people named Rick, Carl, Lori, Hershel, Maggie, Beth, Glenn, Daryl, and Carol. Everybody warmed up to them right away. They found out that the girls were mermaids later on. It did shock them, but they were okay with it. Find out what else happens on this journey to survive the hell that is an apocalypse.
"Bir bilsen ne kadar zamandır şunun hayalini kurduğumu." Şakağıma doğru bir öpücük daha kondurdu. "Seni doyasıya öpüp koklamayı." Ardından yanağıma indi öpücükleri. "Geldin ve beni dünyanın en mutlu adamı yaptın." Dudağımdan da öpüp alınlarımızı birbirine yasladı. "Seni çok seviyorum. Seni senden çok seviyorum."
Bu kez ben dudaklarına ufak bir öpücük bırakıp ayrıldım. "Seni çok seviyorum. En az beni sevdiğin kadar seviyorum seni." Kollarımı boynuna dolayıp yüzümü boynuna gömdüm. Kokusunu içime çektim.
Çok özlemiştim.