Well and truly Cumberbatched (To be revised)
30 Partes Concluida Rosalind. Rosie to most. Including Benedict.
She loves her family (most of the time), her job (at the
best of times), her dog (all the time), and her friends.
There is one friend though, there always is that "one friend"
isn't there?
Christ, how embarrassingly cliché. Should we just call it a day and end it here? No? Well okay then.
The thing is cliché is cliché for a reason...because it works...well most of the time it does. Look if this all goes to hell let's just say "at least they tried" and remember them like Jack and Rose...or something like that, a bittersweet tragedy. I'm being melodramatic, don't you just love it?
Sentiment makes malleable fools of us all eventually, including these two...
Benedict. Ben to most. Including Rosalind.
He's peculiar, sarcastic, witty, and many many things, if
not kind of perfect.
Well to someone he is.
Five months apart can change things.
Who's going to make the first move?