Hello readers!^^ This book is going to have my favourite ships (others favourites too) in it.The ships are (in no order): (Flippy X Flaky, Splendid X Flaky, Splendont X Flaky, Flippy X Splendid, Flippy X Splendont, Splendid X Splendont, (Flippy and Fliqpy separated)-Splendid X Fliqpy, Splendont X Fliqpy, Flaky X Fliqpy, and Flippy x Fliqpy)
This book is going to have some dark thems that may bother/trigger you the readers like: sex, rape, self harm, blood/gore, and other dark(vary) and not dark thems.
No flames or hate please, if you dont like dont read.
~Thank you and enjoy!^^~