Title: Will of a Deity Universe: A Cold World Series: Through The Border Season: I ☘︎☘︎☘︎ Horizon Academy is a school unknown to the outside world. It is founded by a mysterious being they call Headmaster Chaos. It is governed by four student organizations which they fondly call CODES or Cooperative Directors and Executives Solidarity. These CODES have their own areas of expertise which kept the school from complete chaos. If I were to consider, Horizon Academy is quite a nice institution with it's complete facilities and high-class education. The problem only lies with... "Why are we here?" I wonder why too. As far as I can remember, I did not enroll in this school. And to make matters worse, I am with people I don't get along with. My name is Ethan Dashiell and this is a story of my pilgrimage in finding...my missing part. And just fair warning to the readers, The prettiest smiles hide the darkest secrets, the prettiest eyes have cried the most and the kindest hearts...have felt the most pain. So let's keep our judgements to ourselves and just sit back and watch. As everything unfolds like an open book. "May the will of the deities' favor us."
50 parts