One day pinkie and rainbow dash went to the pony parlor and get there hair done well as they were get there hair done rainbow dash ask the lady for a glass of Apple cider but guess Wt the lady turned around and said u look here lil pony u stay away from my Apple cider u understand me ...................yes pinkie pie said back off u old grump she just asked u for a beverage and u back talk her I think If we respect our elders I think they should respect us two. SO yea u big old grump Wt u gonna do huh kick ur a** that is Wt I am goin to go..the old woman said.... Ok pinkie said bring it bi##h ........ BAM ...SLASH....PUNCH.....BITE....KICK....SLAP ....... HUHUHUHUHUHUHUH ur pretty good for and old lady .. pinkie said in a proud voice lololololol rainbow dash said so they both pinkie and the old woman killed rainbow dash omg look Wt we did omg Wt do we do SHUT UP PINKIE PIE Nooooooooo pinkie said that was my best friend how can I forgive my self ... 2 years later ...... hi everyone judge tricksy said may every pony sit down chat chaat chat chat chat HEEEEEEEYYYYY LISTEN UP EVERY PONY LET ME TALK........... .... quietness filled the room ..... thank u judge tricksy said. ok good morning people of aqustria ( court :good morning judge tricksy ) do u guys know y we r in here this afternoon.............yessssss the crowd yelled well if u don't know why we are her it is because of rainbow dash death the cause