Most parts of this story is based on real life events.Quotes have been added as these words heve actually been said by "her".Names and ages ha e been changed to protect this persons identity♡
I guess five days of the week Camille is in school,just the same boring things with her friends and everyday teachers.But Camille has been having a hard time telling the people around her about what is going on and why she has been tired and weak so lately...Missing a lot of school day's because she has been going in with a viral flu.... well thats what she tells everyone.But will she be able to tell Luke and the boys but especially Callum about her current situation in life? If they will support and help her ,or completely ignore the fact that she hadn't the confidence to let them know sooner?
This is my first story so please read it if you like it comment or send me a message onmy account thank you follow me at calumsgd