Serenity Heartwood, aka Ren, is the present day 'Sleeping Beauty'.
Ren has been asleep for a thousand years, hooked up to machines the entire time that kept her going. Doctors tried to unplug her, kill her in a way after about a year, but nothing would work. They'd pull the plug but the machines would just keep going, they weren't able to take off her air mask, she couldn't die.
Eventually, they left her alone, and she's been in a locked up room for thousands of years. Until, one day, she just wakes up.
Serenity has no memory of her past life, how this happened, nor her parents or childhood. She only holds on piece of information. Her name.
There's a strange thing about this girl though. Over the years, eye color has developed and now 'natural eye colors' are purple, pink, silver, etc. All eye colors that weren't natural.
However, when Serenity wakes up, they discover a girl with blue/green eyes. A certain color of eyes they haven't seen in years.
Over a small amount of time, Serenity starts to notice unnatural things. Something that happened a long, long time ago is just occurring for her.
But why did the eye colors change? What is wrong with her? Is this reality? And the biggest question yet, why is she here?