** Knowledge of the musical or book is not necessary! It will help to catch more subtle references, but I have written it for anyone to enjoy. I have used quotes and plot points from almost all versions of the show (the Alley Theatre in Houston version, the 1994/5 Anthony Warlow version, the Broadway version with Coleen Sexton and Rob Evan, the current version, and the original book. I have added my own original ideas as well, in order to add depth to some characters which the time limit of the show could not allow.**
Love finds a way in a most unlikely corner of London. An upper-class doctor meets a prostitute with a heart of gold. She hopes this new love is a sign that a better tomorrow is on the horizon. But the doctor hides a secret second life which threatens to undermine both of their dreams.
(I would rate this for teens, as Lucy is of course a prostitute. Also, with all the seduction scenes and death in Jekyll and Hyde the musical, it ups the age recommendation. Nothing is too graphic, though, and actual reproductive activity is not described but directly implied.)