I wrote this in September so the grammar is...awful. In this story you were shown the life of a puppy mill dog, through the eyes of a dog. The main character has no name. All he knows about himself is that he was born in a puppy mill (commonly referred to as the mill). This story will teach you the pain that thousands of dogs go through every day. Puppy mills are made so that people can mass produce puppies and sell them on the internet, or at bad pet stores like the ones you see at the mall. Puppy mill dogs are often given fake papers so it looks like they were raised by a breeder. It is quite obvious that dogs at puppy mills are treated with no respect. They also have terrible living conditions; and because of this many dogs get A LOT of different diseases. Puppy mills are illegal but people continue to use them. Groups like PETA, The Humane Society, and many other groups are trying to stop them but there's only so much they can do. Not all puppy mill dogs have a sad ending like the one in my story; but many do. So please, the next time you consider buying a dog. THINK ABOUT IT FIRST! When you buy a dog you are responsible for a life. Not only that but puppy mills help contribute to overpopulation of dogs. The ABSOLUTE best way to get a dog is through a non-kill shelter. At non-kill shelters dogs (and cats) are treated with love and kindness. They also don't kill the animals there no matter how long they stay at the shelter. All the information I gave about puppy mills in this short story is real! p.s This is just a small note to the reader please don't judge it, especially since my grammar is bad so...sorry about that PHOTO CREDS: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l8v9s2wUhy1qalak7.jpg *edited by moi*