"Inspired by the great travel literature of centuries past, intrepid TV presenter N. Arraytor and his long-suffering camera crew set off on a spaceship-crashing, budget-busting adventure to visit every planet in the solar system in 80 days... "It's several centuries in the future. Man has finally reached for the stars to explore, discover and exploit our home solar system. With great power comes great responsibility and great deals for budget holidays on Mars! What with space becoming the next package holiday destination and all, there's a wonderful opportunity for mankind to document itself doing one thing that it seems very good at: exploring." This mocumentary is heavily inspired by the writings of two favourite authors of mine, namely Michael Palin and Jules Verne, both who can/could write epic descriptions of life on a journey. Also, a lot of the technology and space ships described in this story are lifted directly from addons for the spaceflight simulator "Orbiter", an amazing piece of software from http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk. Work in progress, I'm pretty busy at the mo', so the guys may be stuck on the moon for a wee while...
6 parts