In a world where Humans, Cyborgs, and Hybrids live in harmony, catastrophe has struck. The young king of Creena has fallen ill with septirosm, a deadly disease more commonly known as the devil's plague. Humans are blaming Cyborgs, Cyborgs are blaming Hybrids, and Hybrids are blaming Humans. The usually peacefull Kingdom of Creena is thrown into upheaval. Meanwhile, King Jonathan has only weeks left to live. His sister, Princess Viviana, has taken over the throne while her brother lies on his deathbed. We follow the journey of Crystal, a young Cyborg who carries the only cure to septirosm, a mysterious medicine created by Doctor William Moria, a brilliant genius who just happens to be the very first sucessful Cyborg experiment. Crystal has to delive the vaccine to the in less than one month if she, and all of the other Non-Humans, want to survive.
On Copper 9 a planet that is a hub of power money greed and corruption three drones find peace in each other's company well dealing with a corrupt system but what happens when the ones you care for ends up being something that others fear
{Cyn X Reader X J]