This story begins in the year 1231 of the Second Age, Thranduil is only 486 years old. For all of his young life, Prince Thranduil has been forced to endure the perverse sexual needs of his father King Oropher. So possessive of him, Oropher is overcome with jealousy, inflicting sometimes brutal punishments if he even thinks Thranduil has been with anyone else. After discovering an ongoing relationship between Thranduil and Aldalómë, the son of his Chief Advisor, Oropher sends him into exile in Lórinand as a ward of King Amdír. It is there that the young prince grows into his own and forms friendships that will ultimately become future allies. This story is also dedicated to an author/writer friend of mine, Jaya Avendel. May your light shine ever so brightly Jaya!