Shawn Costello Golf will tell you about the top 5 Most Deadly Plants on Earth. There are some plants that you might not like to come across. They may harm you, can be painful and may even kill you. These are some deadliest and most dangerous plants that you need to be aware of and make sure you never plant them. Make sure you are long away from them. Shawn Costello Golf believes you must stay away from these plants for your safety. 1: Nerium Oleander Nerium Oleander is known to be one of the most poisonous plant in the world, Nerium Oleander poison attacks one's gastrointestinal system and can kill human within minutes. 2: Dieffenbachia Dieffenbachia is one of the most frequently used and seen plant, also used as an indoor plant for show casing and air purification, Dieffenbachia can be a deadly food when consumed. 3: Acokanthera spectabilis They do contain some medicinal purposes, but when used in tip of arrows, they can kill anyone within minutes. 4: Ageratina Altissima It is one of the most poisonous plants and it contains the toxin Tremetol. 5: Menispermum Canadense Often mistaken with grapes, this plant is one of the most deadly in the world.All Rights Reserved