The year is 2006, and Kara Danvers is a student at Leesburg High.
Kara is invulnerable to bullets, but she crumbles when attacked by online bullies and the mean girls at school. The new young immigrant wants to fit in, but try as she might, she is like a round peg being squeezing into a square hole.
Alex has no such trouble; she has climbed the social ladder at Leesburg High. A dozen boys line up for her attention, but she only has eyes her foster sister.
Happiness eludes both girls because they fight against who they are. Shame holds them back from being everything they could be.
With the help of two special friends, they turn the fight against those people who would control them. They choose to proclaim their forbidden love, even in the face of public scorn. And Kara learns to embrace her special abilities, even if nobody sees her using them.
The central romance in this story is between Alex and her adopted, alien sister -- a pairing that some readers might find offensive. Sexuality plays a significant role in this story, often playful, occasionally disturbing, though never explicit. Discretion is advised.
Audiobook version available in mp3 or on Youtube at the following links:
Story by tooshoes
Narration by:
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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