Just a story about a girl who gets bad paranoia at night.. I know this sounds like a lame description (it is but thats not my point) i mean this story is 950 words so not exactly long so idk its a nice 5 minute read? maybe? I also dont know if i can actually write good i know thats wierd to say and if u read this and think wow that was bad then lemmie know 😂 but this isnt a nice story -not exactly horror either it has horror aspects to it and it does get pretty dark (you have been warned but yanno its not that dark you'll be fine) if you're interested (if anyone actually reads this 😅) my inspiration for writing this is kinda from my own experiance i have bad paranoia at night (specifically) or when im home alone 😅 so this does go from my experiance of how hearing -well for me (im unsure about other people because i am not other people) a noise like a gate rattling that would send me drowning in bad scenarios like omg its a killer omg its a kidnapper idk even so ive always had a morbid imagination i guess (also true story this happened not like i was murdered or kidnapped but i did once think a killer was outside my house from a gate rustling in a storm.) and this stuff would often leave me crying to my parents or hiding in my covers i no longer cry to my parents i still hide under my covers when im freaked out though 😁 sorry for rambling but if you do decide to read this then i would appreciate feedback! and thank you for spending ur valuable time reading a bad story 😂 (i means its probably bad -self doubt is best doubt!😅)All Rights Reserved