The House Of El. You know their stories Kara Zor-El is the eldest cousin of Kal-El, Superman, and they're from Krypton, but what if I told you that DC left out the eldest child of the House of El? Yeah, I wouldn't believe me either, good thing this is fiction, then. In this story, you'll follow the third Super to reveal themselves to the world, the eldest Daughter of the House of El. Tessa Nor-El, daughter of Nor-El, older brother to Zor-El, and Jor-El, as she goes about her life on earth 24 years after Krypton's death.
My name is Kara Zor-El, I'm from Krypton. And also another reality. After the crisis destroyed the old multiverse, I found myself and my friends waking up on this new world where I've been given a chance to learn from my mistakes and ensure I do not make them again. I can only hope I succeed, since I am more than just the paragon of hope, I am Supergirl. Part three of New Earth series.