there once was a kingdom, where the queen and king had had seven sons
the eldest, named jin, was an example for everyone to follow.
The second oldest, yoongi, was a rebel.
the third, hoseok, was the protecter, a knight.
the fourth, namjoon, was the leader, the brains.
the fifth, jimin, was the lost one.
and the sixth, taehyung, was.... mysterious.
and the last, the youngest, the purest, was jungkook.
they've never known what the world was like.
just like other royal children, they were never exposed to the world.
they were isolated. they were apart.
and all the time, they wished...
"i wish i was normal. i wish i can be like other children."
but, alas, they never dared to say it out loud, for they were scared.
they were temped to disobey, to go outside the walls.
"he too was a tempter.."
but who among the boys.. was the tempter?
a blood sweat and tears inspired fanfiction
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