has ur bestfirnd ever ditched u for a girl/ boy? has ur bestfiend ever showed their girlfriend/ boyfriend only your guys special place? have u ever come second best to their boyfriend or girlfriend? has ur bestfiend ever betrayed u? have u ever had to move away and had to tell ur bestriend but couldnt becuase he or she kept blowing u off to be with their girlfriend or boyfriend? has it ever come down to u having to leave them a note to explain why ur gone? if u answered yes to these questions this is ur type of story. if u said no to these questions then this isnt ur story. read at ur own risk alexandra is a girl who loves her bestfiend. he's 15 and shes 14 ever since he could date hes turned into a girl crazy player he postpones their hangout for his girlfriend he rlife with him used to be blissful now its exuse after bloody exuse and she hates it. she's sick of it. when she gets the chance to move she doesnt want to but eventually decides that of e keeps ignoring her he did. she has 4 months before she left and she tried everyday. when she leaves she tries to tell him with only 1 hr 45 min efore she leaves. when she didnt reach him she told his parents goodbye and left him a note in their secret place. when she got home toured her 2 story home one last time and left now coming back years later as a 18 year old she is no longer shy incoent alexandra oh no she is crazy motor bike trouble maker lexi now when she moves back old flames might ignite again deep feeling that werebaried might rise again. will alexander come to his senses will lexi take him back will they get togehter or will lexi find someone better after all who said oppisites attract not her. if so dustin might change that. now the rest well the rest is history * chuckles lowly* for now.......... wanna know what happens read on if u dareAll Rights Reserved